

Friday, June 6, 2014

Five Minute Friday.

Today's Prompt: Hands.


I'll never forget the first time I understood hands. It was incredible.

No stress. It's funny how you don't realize how heavy something is until you're able to put it down for a while.

There are certain things that hearing people don't quite understand.

Like relying on your lips to tell me what is happening, rather than your voice.
Like having so many, over and over and over, give you a 'never mind' rather than responding to your quest for knowledge.
Like missing something so many times it is embarrassing to ask again.
Like relying on someone else to convey what is happening, and still missing the point because they've failed to convey it.
Like being the butt of a joke, the 'huh? what'd you say?' thrown back at you like you're something to be laughed at.

But hands. They paint the world right there in front of you. They let you speak and breathe and communicate without worry or stress or embarrassment. All of the sudden, you're a piece of the world. Not something broken, but something full and whole.

I bet you didn't know you could hear a hand. Just open your eyes, your mind. Listen, I'll share with you.

Here's how to sign 'I love you, too'.




1 comment:

  1. Nice post, and love the header. to your blog
